In English
Short bio:
Przemyslaw Zukiewicz is an associate professor of comparative
politics at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Wroclaw, former (2016-2019) Executive Committee Member of the Polish Political
Science Association and CEO & co-founder of the Social Networks Hub. He holds a PhD in
political science (2011) and law (2018). In 2018/2019 he was a
research fellow at the Dublin City University (Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction). He is the author of 9 books and over 30 scientific articles on
comparative politics, political leadership, Balkan studies and transport
policy. He has participated in many research projects financed by
International Visegrad Fund, Ministry of Science and National Science
Centre (Poland). He was a visiting fellow or scholar at universities in
Czech Republic, Albania, Ukraine and Lithuania. In 2016 he was a juror
in the state competition for the most innovative public institution in
Poland and a trainer at the School for Political Leaders. He received a
Polish Political Science Association award for the best doctoral thesis
(2011) and the best scientific monograph (2014) in political science.